De Boreel - Deventer, Engelman Architecten

De Boreel

2008, Deventer

a new retail/entertainment complex for Deventer, linking the centre and the outer city

A shopping centre was planned for the historic fortified town of Deventer for large-scale retail combined with entertainment. There was room for this around the old Boreelkazerne and within the moat surrounding the citadel. Commissioned by DC Vastgoedontwikkeling we created a master plan with Crepain Architecten from Antwerp for an underground parking garage for 750 cars, 15,500 square metres of retail/entertainment and 33 apartments. Together with the Boreelkazerne, two new blocks form a new retail/entertainment complex with a square in the middle. The success of the project is the link between the city centre and the outer city visa the bridge over the moat that connects to an old shopping street in the centre. The buildings were deliberately robust because they follow the contours of the old fortifications. 

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